Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Pam

When we moved to North Carolina in 1986 one of the first people I met was Pam. That was 26 years ago. Today we had lunch together as we do from time to time and as we have done over the past 26 years. She is a dear friend who I cherish with all my heart. We are sisters minus the DNA.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Red bird

I stepped out of the back door this morning on my way to work.  The air was cool and crisp.  I glanced over to the right side of the backyard where our red barn is situated.  On top of the eve of the barn sat a bright red cardinal.  He was sitting very still but cocking his little red head just a tiny bit from side to side.  I stood still a minute to watch him and then I took a step down to head for my car.  I looked toward the barn again and the cardinal was gone.  He had already wished me a good morning and was on his way to greet others.  I loved this moment.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A diary of sorts

Friday afternoon I was walking on the treadmill and watching the local 5pm news.  A human interest segment came on and it caught my interest.  It featured a woman who appeared to be about my age who was diagnosed with cancer.  In tangent with her physcial healing, she needed some emotional healing, too.  She began writing a gratitude journal as part of her healing.  Each day she documented the different ways in which she felt grateful.  She said there were so many things for which she was grateful this was not hard to do.  In doing this, she found that it helped her feel better physically as well as emotionally.  This struck me as something so simple.  This idea appealed to me.

Why should I wait until something goes terribly wrong in my life to start doing this?  Why don't I start this right now.  I have so many reasons to be grateful.  Documenting them in this blog is my gratitude journal. 

First and foremost, I am grateful to the woman who gave me this idea.  I do not know who she is but I am wishing her only the best in her journey with cancer.

So I begin ...